Welcome to the Blog

Who knew how many blogs existed?

It definitely wasn't me lol! I have always wanted to create a blog since I was younger but never fully realized just how many there are. It wasn't until one day I was roaming through the internet looking up how to make a blog that I realized I had been reading posts about making blogs...on blogs. Blog after blog after blog! I never realized just how many sites out there aren't just websites but are blogs, it truly amazed me and led me here! My first blog post! Yay!

Let me introduce myself a bit more, My name is Devin Rhodes and I am currently a college student at Bridgewater State University. I am going to school for Education and Psychology so while school takes up a major part of my life I still try to enjoy being a 20-year-old while "adulting."

How I got my blog name:

Heres the story folks. It was late, maybe at 2 A.M. and I finally decided that I wanted to officially make a blog. All the sites say to "figure out what you want to write about first," something about getting your target audience... Conveniently listed for me were a whole bunch of blog themes, from travel to college to sports to mommy blogs. After looking at my options I realized that my interests for writing laid within the stereotypical "mommy blogger" section but there was one problem... I'm not a mommy yet?! I'm not a mommy yet but I sure as shit am adulting. So there she was born, Adulting At Last!

I've always been a bit mature for my age and have always wanted to just grow up and get to be an adult. But when I finally did that I learned that being an adult comes with... oh the horrors... bills! AH! All the chores, rent, always working, going to the gas station that's 2 cents cheaper, you know, because it makes a difference over time, and getting mad when they rearrange my favorite grocery stores? Also, does anyone else agree that produce goes bad faster when you're the one who is buying it, not your mom?

So here's to us all who are finally adulting at last and making it through!


  1. Hey, nice to meet you in blogging world! My blog is also existing not so long time, but I am really happy doing that! I hope you will also inspire others and help with good adulting advices, hah. :)


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